speech contest

Today on my campus is a speech contest.
There are still many participants who follow him from any faculty in unilak.Salah one is my friend Mutiara Shasqia, Devi Intan Z, and Nunung Susilo from faculty teacher and education science It even started at 09.00 am. Today I studied with Pak Budi for the literary introduction, but we were asked by him to watch the speech contest. So me and my friends came to the scene to watch the speech contest and as supporters as well. Speech contests are held in front of the cantin. So, many viewers watch them. Me and my friends sat in the cafeteria to see our friends from FKIP Perform. But we can watch for a long time because we have to learn with Mrs. Destina. So we only watch half the performance.
After the bachelor of Mother Destina finished, my friend who participated in the race got two hopes. And my friend mentioned who got the champion that is the law faculty champion 1 and 2. Fkip champion 3, hope 1 from fasilkom and hope 2 that is my own friend that is Shasqia pearl and 3 wishes from FIB. I am amazed and proud to see the talents of unilak students who are very good at speaking English.

Setelah pelajaran miss Destina selesai, temanku yang ikut dalam lomba mendapatkan harapan dua yaitu mutiara shasqia teman selokal ku. Dan temanku menyebutkan siapa  saja yang mendapatkan juara yaitu juara fakultas hukum 1 dan 2. Juara Fkip 3, berharap 1 dari fasilkom dan harapan 2 itu adalah teman saya sendiri yaitu mutiara shasqia dan 3 keinginan dari FIB. Saya kagum dan bangga melihat bakat para siswa unilak yang sangat piawai dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris.
